Smarty 2.6.0 has been released


TeaM PHPClub
Smarty 2.6.0 has been released

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Главное изменение:
ядро разделено на модули, которые подключаются только в тот момент, когда они необходимы.
Результат: значительно меньше кода обрабатывается, скорость значительно увеличивается.
Настоятельно рекомендуется всем проапгрейдиться до новой версии.

Version 2.6.0 (Nov 19, 2003)

- move Smarty::quote_replace() to Smarty_Compiler::_quote_replace() (messju)
- remove import of of attributes of {include_php} to php's namespace.
use $params[name] instead (messju)

Version 2.6.0-RC3 (Nov 13, 2003)

- fix handling of $var.key inside [] (messju)
- fix handling of assign inside {insert}-tags (messju)
- fix handling if [...] inside triple-quotes in config-files (messju)
- fix handling of simple-math-operators inside modifiers (Dominik, messju)
- fix handling of trailing-slashes in open_basedir in
smarty_core_create_dir_structure() (packman, messju)

Version 2.6.0-RC2 (Oct 8, 2003)

- apply modifiers only once to section-loop and foreach-from attrs (messju)
- remove use of _smarty_cached_paths-files (messju)
- remove Smarty::_plugin_implementation_exists() - use is_callable() (messju)
- ignore {strip}/{/strip) inside {strip}-blocks (messju)
- fixed removal of leading/trailing newlines in {strip}-blocks (messju)
- fixed proper escaping of " and ' with escape:javascript (messju)
- fixed bug in traversal of $smarty->plugins_dir-array. now the
first matching plugin is taken (messju)
- moved {strip} back into the compiler (messju)
- fixed config_load: handling of section-attribute and use of
multiple config-files in one template (atu, messju)

Version 2.6.0-RC1 (August 11, 2003)

- fixed status-header for cache_modified_check under cgi-sapi (messju)
- added optional parameter $cache_attrs to register_function() and
register_block(). $cache_attrs is an array containing attribute-
names that should be cached on calls to functions that have
$cacheable set to false. (messju)
- enabled registration of class-methods as callbacks for the register_*-
functions (use: array('classname', 'method_name')) as callback) (messju)
- added filepath caching (Monte)
- added optional assign-attribute to {capture}-tag (messju)
- added $cacheable-parameter to register_compiler_function() (messju)
- added $cacheable-parameter with default=true to register_function()
and register_block() (messju)
- add math speedup to core (Dominik, Monte)
- fix newlines for tags without template output (Monte)
- added config-option "request_use_auto_globals" to make auto-globals be
used as request vars instead of HTTP_*_VARS (messju)
- speed up config_load, simplify compiling (Monte)
- added block-methods for registered objects (Bharat Mediratta, messju)
- ignore one char resource names like c:foo.tpl (Monte)
- added default_resource_type feature (Monte)
- fix bug where config file starts with hidden section (boots, Monte)
- add discrete error checking pertaining to $cache_dir
and $compile_dir, their existance and writability (Monte)
- fixed behaviour of start=... for {counter} (messju)
- fixed assign for {counter} (messju)
- added params vdir, hdir and inner to html_table to allow looping
over the data in various directions (messju)
- allow spaces in literal tags (Paul Lockaby, Monte)
- speed up compiled templates, hardcode plugin filepaths
instead of dynamically calculate at runtime. (Monte)
- abstract many core components from Smarty.class.php,
speeding up core class instantiation (Monte)
- fixed bug in _create_dir_structure() when used with open_basedir-
restriction and relative paths (messju)
- use DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR exclusively, keep DIR_SEP for BC (Monte)
- changed "link" to "href" in html_image. "link" is still working
but deprecated (messju)
- html_image always renders an alt-tag now (default alt="") (messju)
- fixed assign attribute for multiple counters (messju)
- added simple math operators to variables (Monte)
- enabled array(&$obj. 'source', 'timestamp', 'secure', 'trusted')
as callback for register_resource() (messju);
- enabled array(&$obj, 'method') as callback for
$default_template_handler_func (messju)
- remove unnecessary close/open tags from compiled templates
- fixed errornous creation of '//' in image_path in html_image (messju)
- fix escapement of special chars for key vals in debug
console (Monte)
- fixed debug timing logic for config_load (Tom Sommer, Monte)
- all in-code doc comments converted to phpDocumentor format (Greg)
- moved strip from smarty core to plugin (Monte)
- moved config_load from smarty core to plugin (Monte)
- added &$repeat-parameter to block-functions (messju)
- enabled hex-constants in function.math.php (messju)
- enabled hex-constants (0x...) as function-attributes, inside if-statements
and as modifier-parameters (messju)
- fixed bug with passing $smarty as reference in Smarty.compiler.class
- corrected output with {strip} and PHP tag newlines (Monte)
- added possibility to register function-callbacks as "array(&$obj, 'method)"
this affects register_function(), -block, -compiler_function, -modifier,
-prefilter, -postfilter, -outputfilter-functions() and $cache_handler_func
- added <labels> to html_checkboxes and html_radios (Philippe, messju)
- added "labels"-options to turn off labels in html_checkboxes and _radios